Tour Australia and New Zealand With Me in 2022

March 5, 2021

Dear Friends,

I hope this email finds you doing well. 

Over the years many of us have thought of our ‘bucket list’.  I have hooked with Educational First Tours (EF Tours) and planned a trip to Australia and New Zealand in May of 2022.  It is a learning opportunity of a lifetime. 

Please take the time to put the following link in your browser so you can view the planned trip itinerary.

If you are interested, I am asking you to put this survey link ( in your browser and indicate if you are interested in a zoom meeting within the month to learn more about EF Tours and the proposed trip to Australia and New Zealand in May 2022.

If you want to save money and enroll in the trip now, please put the following ink in your browser (

Please note in the above enrollment link there is a reduced cost for the trip if enrolling early.  AND you are guaranteed your money back if the trip for some reason has to be cancelled.

If you are interested in learning more about the deadlines or conditions for a full refund, you can find them at the following link: worry-free enrollment period.

I am looking forward to your interest in this fabulous opportunity to travel to Australia and New Zealand.

Warm regards,

Judith Grenkowicz, Ed. D

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